Location:Home Solutions Application Scenarios

A leading online education platform in China

The company is an online platform for children’s English education. Through one-on-one online video, Chinese kids can be connected with foreign teachers in North America to better learn English.

Challenge Ahead

  • The customer has deployed different business applications on different public clouds including AWS Cloud, Tencent Cloud, and Alibaba Cloud, and all public clouds must be interconnected;
  • Further, the customer’s cloud-to-cloud bandwidth requirements will change as the business changes. For example, the specific bandwidth requirements cannot be determined during summer vacations and weekends;


  • For the service interconnection of multiple public clouds, Telstra PBS Cloud Direct Connection Network has realized the direct network connection with the data centers of various public cloud manufacturers on Layer 2 links. In this case, the customer only need to access Telstra PBS’s backbone network to realize the cloud connection with various public clouds;
  • In response to the customer’s elastic bandwidth demand, Telstra PBS can provide the bandwidth resource pool, for example the pooled limit could be 1G. Correspondingly, the customer can adjust various links according to the specific service needs, and the service traffic can also be provided flexibly; if the traffic exceeds 1G bandwidth, relevant fees will be charged at 95/5 percentile billing;

Service Advantages

  • Through Telstra PBS’ backbone network, the interconnection between public clouds can be realized easily and quickly, which will further simplify the company’s networking complexity in early stage and operating difficulties and at later stages, thus lower associated costs;
  • In addition, the flexible bandwidth supply can reduce various costs. Based on the fact that customer’s business is subject to the low season and peak season, Telstra PBS can provide a flexible bandwidth resource pool to alleviate the customer’s peak bandwidth demand under emergency, and at the same time avoid any bandwidth waste during low bandwidth demands, further reducing the bandwidth cost.